In the world of nutrition, carbohydrates get a bad reputation, with some diets urging you to avoid them entirely. But are ALL carbs detrimental to your health? This collection of articles will give you a better understanding of which ones you should steer clear from, and which carbohydrates can be a part of a healthful plant-based diet.
The Real Truth About Sugar
Are you confused about sugar? While we have all heard about its addictive, negative qualities, the topic of sugar is still a confusing one. Here are some common questions: What is the difference between ‘sugar’ and carbohydrate—or are they the same thing? Should sugar be eliminated altogether or is there an acceptable level of consumption? Together, let’s explore the real truth about sugar.
Are You Addicted to Sugar?
The addictive nature of sugar is the stuff of legend. In fact, sugar is often compared to drugs. In this article, we explore the issue and take a closer look at sugar’s addictive qualities, and give you some tips on how to shake your sugar habit once and for all.
Are Sugar Substitutes the Solution?
Overconsumption of sugar can have serious health consequences, from excess weight to diabetes. For many, the solution is simply to discard sugar and use sugar substitutes instead. But before you trade in your maple and brown sugar oatmeal for a stevia-sweetened cinnamon roll, let’s take a closer look at sugar substitutes and whether or not they really should have a place in a healthful lifestyle.
3 Reasons Why Carbs Need to Come out of the Closet
Carbohydrates are much maligned. In certain circles, they have almost become a forbidden topic—something ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ to be avoided at all costs. But nothing could be further from the truth! Here we clear up the three biggest myths about carbs so they can take their rightful (and glorious!) place in your diet once and for all.
Forgotten Fiber
When the topic of plant-based eating comes up, everyone obsesses about getting enough protein or calcium. However, a bigger concern in any diet is whether or not you are getting enough fiber! Learn exactly what fiber is, why you need it, and how to make sure you’re getting enough.
Who Can Resist a Resistant Starch?
The word ‘starch’ conjures up the worst images. When we think of starch, we tend to think of cake, white bread, and pasta. And we forget about whole grains, legumes, and tubers. In this article, we’d like to tell you about a very specific starch—resistant starch—which can be very important to your health.
Potatoes: Man’s Best Friend (Not Worst Enemy!)
The poor potato has been beaten and battered in the press and by countless diet ‘gurus’ who never tire of saying that potatoes are really bad for us. And in a certain sense, they actually aren’t wrong. But the problem is not the potato itself! The problem is how we prepare the potatoes. Learn about how you can incorporate them into your healthful diet here.
Potato Power
The ultimate comfort food, potatoes are one of the most beloved (and most produced) foods on the planet. In this article, you will discover more about the humble, healthful potato.
The Sensational Sweet Potato
Traditionally, we think of the sweet potato as a Thanksgiving treat. But why only enjoy them once a year? Bringing with health benefits and inherent natural deliciousness, sweet potatoes deserve to be on the table all year round. Learn more about them in this article.
Busting the (Whole) Grain Myth
Whole grains have been a staple of the human diet for centuries. And yet today, whole grains emerge as an enormous nutritional controversy. Those opposed to whole grain believe it is the enemy, bad for our health and waistlines. Whole grain proponents argue the exact opposite, believing this group of carbohydrates is a powerful health promoter. Let’s explore the truth about grains together.
What You Need to Know About Gluten
During the last several years, you have undoubtedly heard about gluten. When you walk down any supermarket aisle, you are bombarded with ‘gluten-free’ stickers and are told incessantly that gluten must be avoided at all costs. But is this sound advice? What is gluten exactly? In this article, we will shine a clarifying light on this confusing subject.
Should You Really Be Gluten Free?
Given the relentless gluten-free crazy out there, millions of people are asking two questions: Should I be on a gluten-free diet? And if so, what is the best way to eat gluten-free? The purpose of this article is to answer both of these questions.
Should You Eat Rice?
One controversial grain merits an article of its own. And that grain is rice. The single most important staple food on the planet, rice currently feeds almost 50 percent of the world’s population. But is rice really good for you? In this article, we look more closely at the myths around rice and explore the different types so we can better answer the question, “Should you be eating rice?”
Our Oat Obsession
Whether they are served as a breakfast, bread, or dessert, oats are an integral part of our lives and a food legend that has been around for centuries. But even thought oats are everywhere, most of us rarely think about them. In this article, we invite you to get better acquainted with this delicious versatile nutritional powerhouse.